Balade de Nolay

  • Cultural activities
  • Interactive tour
  • Accompanying / Escorting
Point de départ 13 Rue de la République à Nolay, 21340 Nolay
Houd er rekening mee dat het dichtstbijzijnde station meer dan
Discover Nolay in a different way with Daudine, the wife of a 15th-century tanner: download the free "Balades en Bourgogne" app on your phone or tablet and choose "Balade à Nolay".

Through 14 audio chronicles and a 2km route, you'll discover the history of Nolay's must-see sites, its secrets and hidden treasures and anecdotes, all on your own. Follow the guide!

Available on :
Google Play:
App Store:


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Balade de Nolay
Point de départ 13 Rue de la République à Nolay, 21340 Nolay
Houd er rekening mee dat het dichtstbijzijnde station meer dan
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